The European Horizon All Data 4 Green Deal (AD4GD) project is part of a larger European Commission initiative to establish the common European Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) that will interconnect currently fragmented and dispersed data from various ecosystems, both for and from the private and public sectors. Its mission is to co-create and shape the European GDDS as an open hub for FAIR data and standards-based services that support the key priorities of pollution, biodiversity and climate change. The GDDS will offer an interoperable, trusted IT environment for data processing, and a set of rules of legislative, administrative and contractual nature that determine the rights of access to and use of the data.

In this context, they are running a research survey that aims to evaluate data management practices in Citizen Science projects. In particular, they are interested in understanding the relevance of FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) for increasing visibility and reuse of Citizen Science data.

More specifically, the survey aims to capture what tools, platforms and standards are currently used by the Citizen Science projects to collect, store and share project data; gather Citizen Science community views on the Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) initiative; and understand projects’ aims and ambitions and identify the perceived blockers to managing and sharing Citizen Science data.

The results of the survey will help influence further research into and development of tools, standards and guidelines to support Citizen Science projects in producing data compliant with FAIR principles. This may benefit Citizen Science projects in general by assisting them in demonstrating the societal and policy benefits of their activities. It may potentially motivate engagement with Citizen Science participants who are interested in contributing data which can be used for real-world decision-making.

All the answers will be anonymised and analysed in aggregations in order to ensure confidentiality of the data provided. The survey should not take more than 25 minutes to complete.