About admin_incprj

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So far admin_incprj has created 40 blog entries.
23 06, 2023

INCENTIVE sixth consortium meeting – Vilnius, Lithuania

By |2023-06-23T09:05:12+02:00June 23rd, 2023|news|

On the 19th and 20th of June, 2023, the INCENTIVE partnership met in Vilnius, Lithuania, for the project’s sixth consortium meeting. The meeting was organised and hosted by the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, which is one of the four pilot universities of the project. The event marked the beginning of the last semester of the [...]

6 06, 2023

INCENTIVE in the Conference eLearning Africa 2023

By |2023-06-06T10:03:32+02:00June 6th, 2023|news|

During 24-26 May 2023, INCENTIVE team members from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University participated in the eLearning Africa Conference and presented our project results to a wider international audience. eLearning Africa Conference is a global network of professionals working in the field of ICT-supported education and training. It includes educators, trainers, technology specialists, policymakers, and investors. [...]

29 05, 2023

Hybrid event “faCT or faKE? Disinformation in digital social networks”

By |2023-05-29T08:31:51+02:00May 29th, 2023|news|

The Citizen Science Hub of the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, in cooperation with the Data and Web Science Laboratory of AUTH (DataLab) co-organized with the Directorates of primary education in Pella, Eastern Thessaloniki, Western Thessaloniki, Western Attica, and with the Directorates of secondary education in Pella, Eastern Thessaloniki, Western Thessaloniki through the Heads of School Activities, [...]

12 05, 2023

INCENTIVE in C*Sci 2023

By |2023-05-12T09:09:35+02:00May 12th, 2023|news|

About C*Sci 2023 The annual conference of the Citizen Science Association will be physically held from 15 to 26 of May 2023 by Arizona State University, in partnership with SciStarter. The 2023 Citizen Science Association conference, C*Sci 2023, begins with online engagement and program offerings May 16-19. The in-person event will be held from May 22-26 on the Arizona [...]

9 05, 2023

Webinar: How European University Alliances can support Citizen Science

By |2023-05-09T08:45:32+02:00May 9th, 2023|news|

Since January 2021, the EUTOPIA European University Alliance has been supporting Citizen Science through means of the EUTOPIA TRAIN project (H2020 SwafS). With this project nearing its end, the Alliance is looking back on the ways it has allowed Citizen Science support and initiatives to grow and flourish. In this webinar, EUTOPIA is joining forces [...]

2 05, 2023

INCENTIVE launches global Network of Interest

By |2023-05-02T09:00:00+02:00May 2nd, 2023|news|

INCENTIVE launches a global call to all Citizen Science stakeholders to join the recently established Network of Interest In the framework of the INCENTIVE project, a Network of Interest has been set up by ECSA - the European Citizen Science Association. INCENTIVE is inviting you all to join and share among your network: Visit and [...]

24 04, 2023

Citizen Science Health 2023 – Call for Abstracts

By |2023-04-24T08:50:02+02:00April 24th, 2023|news|

About the event The first global Citizen Science for Health Conference (CS4H) will take place on October 29th – November 1st  2023 at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands. The aim of the conference is to provide a state of art of the CS4H domain and establish a bridge between long-standing traditions on [...]

19 04, 2023

AUTH CSH – “Fact or Fake”: the seminar’s outcomes

By |2023-04-19T13:46:15+02:00April 19th, 2023|news|

On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, took place the online webinar “faCT or faKE? Disinformation in digital social networks". This is the first action of the AUTh Citizen Science Hub after its establishment and was organised in collaboration with the Data and Web Science Laboratory (Datalab). The webinar was attended by approximately 200 participants, among them [...]

14 03, 2023

INCENTIVE fifth consortium meeting – Milan, Italy

By |2023-03-14T10:39:13+01:00March 14th, 2023|news|

On the 6th and 7th of March, 2023, the INCENTIVE partnership met in Milan, Italy, for the project’s fourth consortium meeting. It was the first physical meeting that partners had since the start of the new year. The meeting was organised and hosted by SDA Bocconi, which is the leader of the sustainability work [...]

28 02, 2023

INCENTIVE – TIME4CS are launching new series of webinars: Institutional changes for CS

By |2023-02-28T09:58:46+01:00February 28th, 2023|news|

Citizen science (CS) as a research methodology is experiencing an increase in a number of actors, projects, initiatives, and funding opportunities. Despite such growth, most of the Research Performing and Funding Organisations (RPFOs) in Europe still do not support CS implementation by fostering institutional transformations.    The H2020 EU-funded TIME4CS and INCENTIVE projects join forces and [...]

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