The EUTOPIA-TRAIN initiative is sharing some exciting news and, more importantly, resources that have a strong value proposition to the European Citizen Science community.

During the EUTOPIA-TRAIN project, a series of 8 Citizen Science Clinics were organised. These aimed to support the members of their community of practice by providing them with opportunities for exchange and networking. Each clinic first focused on a particular challenge or topic, linked to broader issues such as ethics, data quality, empowering citizens, safety, etc.

As a second step, the clinics zoomed out to discuss larger contexts and the ways to apply the findings to their work.

The outcomes of these clinics are now gathered in an interactive mural.
You’re very welcome to explore the take-away messages, listed resources, and inspirational padlets.

About the initiative

EUTOPIA-TRAIN is an ambitious research initiative committed to the creation of a challenge-driven knowledge-creation community that capitalises on the EUTOPIA partners’ joint potential to promote innovation and societal impact. This programme, which  aims to extend EUTOPIA’s challenge-led model to the development of its Research and Innovation (R&I) activities, tackles two main challenges :

  • Integrate pan-EUTOPIA R&I Communities.
  • Open up EUTOPIA research communities to society, businesses, students, and policy-makers.