27 10, 2021

RRI & Sustainability: shifting responsibly towards a Circular Economy – GRACE Final webinars

By |2021-10-27T16:33:39+02:00October 27th, 2021||

Public engagement is a foundational key of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This webinar asks how value is created and demonstrated at all these levels for a strong case for public engagement. This event is the second of the eight final webinars the GRACE project held every Tuesday from 26 October to 14 December.

27 10, 2021

Ethics and Data Protection in Humanities Research – GRACE Final webinars

By |2021-10-27T16:31:26+02:00October 27th, 2021||

There is still some resistance in humanities research to research ethics committees. This webinar will discuss some evolving ‘best’ practices and potential pathways for their uptake. This event is the seventh of the eight final webinars the GRACE project held every Tuesday from 26 October to 14 December.

27 10, 2021

Bottom-up RRI initiatives – GRACE Final webinars

By |2021-10-27T16:28:18+02:00October 27th, 2021||

This webinar addresses students, early-career researchers starting (or willing to start) institutional change. From theory to practice, inspiring practices on bottom-up initiatives. This event is the sixth of the eight final webinars the GRACE project held every Tuesday from 26 October to 14 December.

27 10, 2021

Evaluating the Impacts and Benefits of RRI initiatives – GRACE Final webinars

By |2021-10-27T16:24:40+02:00October 27th, 2021||

This webinar will focus on three vastly different approaches to evaluate RRI initiatives from the SISCODE, GRACE and NewHoRRIzon projects. This event is the fifth of the eight final webinars the GRACE project held every Tuesday from 26 October to 14 December.

27 10, 2021

Gender Equality plans in Research Funding Organizations – GRACE Final webinars

By |2021-10-27T16:14:31+02:00October 27th, 2021||

Public engagement is a foundational key of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This webinar will discuss the challenges in developing Gender Equality Plans and showcase best practices in this field. This event is the third of the eight final webinars the GRACE project held every Tuesday from 26 October to 14 December.

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