Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) | Spain

The Universitat  Autònoma de  Barcelona  (UAB)  is a  multidisciplinary university, hosting an overall amount of over 40,000 students, almost 6,000 researchers and teaching staff, and hosts more than 5,000 foreign students. The UAB plays a worldwide leading role in scientific research with a wide range of disciplines, in both education and research, well-positioned in international rankings (1st among Spanish Universities QS WUR 2023, 145 WUR 2019, 13 THE YUR 2018, 12 QS 50u50 2018).

For more information, visit university site

Key societal challenges

The Citizen Science Hub of UAB sets to address the following societal challenges:

  • Transport & mobility
  • Energy & sustainability
  • Building resilient communities
  • Promotion of circular economy.

Mission of UAB Hub

The UAB Hub is building upon existing CS initiatives and resources, which when coordinated, can facilitate the development of CS at the University to promote the contribution to societal challenges. The Hub aims to tackle societal challenges in the territory with the participation of the quadruple helix by developing new models of teaching, doing research, and promoting innovation.

Objectives of UAB Hub

The general objective of the UAB Hub is to increase the role of UAB in tackling challenges from the territory using citizen science. Operational objectives are the following:

  • To create a single point of contact for citizen science at UAB
  • To consolidate and expand the CS Community at UAB
  • To enhance the knowledge of citizen science within and outside the UAB Community


  • Catalan Association of Public Universities
  • CREAF public research center dedicated to terrestrial ecology and territorial analysis
  • Diputació de Barcelona
  • Government of Catalonia
  • Members of the Àmbit B30 Association
  • Members of the Hub b30
  • Transformative Innovation Labs
  • Schools and Libraries
  • UAB students, non-academic staff, researchers, and spin-offs


Inclusiveness/Openness as the key RRI-based values for the CSH, the preferable CSH for UAB engages with the UAB Community, libraries, and schools as well as Quadruple Helix and the B-30 network.


  • Promote and support the implementation of CS projects
  • Map CS initiatives and stakeholders
  • Provide CS training
  • Foster the exchange of knowledge and experiences among CS actors
Discover the website of the UAB Citizen Science Hub