Time4CS is an EU-funded project that aims to support institutional changes for Citizen Science in Research Performing Organisations. Three expert organisations in the field of Citizen Science (Front-Runners) – University College London, Aarhus University, and the Competence Center of the University of Zurich – are working with four implementing organisations (Implementers) willing to foster Citizen Science in their institutions – Tyndall National Institute at the University College Cork, Kaunas University of Technology, Center for Genomic Regulation, and Università San Raffaele. Two organisations act as Facilitators – Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) and the European Science Foundation – and Crowdhelix is supporting the communication and dissemination.

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CitieS-Health is an EU-funded project that aims to put citizens’ concerns at the heart of research agenda on environmental epidemiology by tackling health issues that concern them. Groups of citizens in five cities in Europe design and run experiments to explore how the pollution in their living environment is affecting their health. The project has created an interactive toolkit with customised tools and best practices for the replication of the studies in other locations by researchers, individuals, and citizen groups. Eventually, new communities have been articulated with methods and tools to replicate the citizen science experience.

For social media please see Twitter and Facebook.

TRANSFORM is an EU-funded project that puts RRI principles into practice through new forms of local participatory decision-making within their Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3). Three regional clusters invite citizens, local communities, and stakeholders to participate in the research and innovation activities, reflecting their views, needs, and aspirations. The project integrates the Citizen Science dimension and co-creation sessions in the innovation projects funded under RIS3CAT becoming the TRANSFORM pilots in the Catalonia region.

For social media please see Twitter and LinkedIn.

PRO-Ethics is an EU-funded project that works with research and innovation funding organisations across Europe to test new, ethical ways to involve citizens in decision-making processes. The project delivers some very concrete outputs in the form of an ethics framework, together with a set of practical guidelines and actionable criteria for assessing the quality and ethics of participation processes. These outputs have the potential to benefit stakeholders across the EU and beyond.

For social media please see Twitter and LinkedIn.

CS Track is an EU-funded project that aims to broaden our knowledge about Citizen Science and the impact Citizen Science activities can have. CS Track investigates a large and diverse set of Citizen Science activities, disseminating good practices and formulating knowledge-based policy recommendations in order to maximise the potential benefit of Citizen Science activities on individual citizens, organisations, and society at large.

For social media please see Twitter and LinkedIn.

AURORA is a SwafS project that aims to empower the people of Europe to take ownership of the climate change debate. Five crowdfunded demonstrators in Denmark, England, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain will be built to reduce the carbon footprint of 7000 citizens.

For social media please see Twitter and Instagram.

Citizen Science NOW is an Erasmus+ Project that aims to foster EU citizens’ engagement and access to CS by strengthening local and regional community networks; digitalising adult CS training experiences; and thereby empowering adult citizens with the essential competence and skills to grow personally and professionally in the project partner regions.

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ECS is an EU-funded project with the overall objective to widen and strengthen the citizen science community in Europe through capacity-building and awareness-raising activities such as the creation of a European Citizen Science Academy. Diverse actors will be involved in the co-design and co-creation of a large variety of services, training opportunities, and policy recommendations. A key focus is on inclusivity, which will be achieved through dedicated actions such as engaging libraries to attract underrepresented and underserved publics and ad-hoc support to countries and regions lacking citizen science networks, platforms, and policy recognition.

For social media please see Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) is a collaborative project between the European Commission, the UK, and the Swiss governments. The project aims to monitor and identify species using DNA and establish a European hub for the International Barcode of Life Consortium. This first large European project will run until 2026 and brings together organisations from the BIOSCAN Europe DNA-barcoding consortium (104 partner institutions across 29 countries) and the ERGA genome-sequencing consortium (709 members across 37 countries).

For social media please see Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Measuring the Impact of Citizen Science (MICS) is an EU-funded project that has developed a standardised impact assessment tool that can be used by any citizen-science project at any point during the project’s lifetime. The impact-assessment process on the MICS platform includes over 200 questions – each with a set of pre-defined answers – which relate to five domains: science and technology, society, governance, environment, and economy. The MICS platform is complemented by comprehensive online guidance, which provides insights into the various impacts of citizen science and why it is important to measure them.

For social media please see Twitter.

IMPETUS – “Setting a citizen science innovation programme for exploring innovative funding schemes and boosting recognition” is an EU-funded project that supports and gives recognition to citizen science (CS) by enabling a wider range of citizen science initiatives (CSIs) to access innovative funding. The project brings CS closer to society and policymakers and acknowledges its role in tackling the greatest challenges of our times. The project has a strong focus on enhancing its contributions to the Green Deal and the UN SDGs.

For social media please see Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

CLIMAS (“CLIMAte change citizens engagement toolbox for dealing with Societal resilience”) project aims to support the transformation towards climate resilience by providing an innovative problem-oriented climate adoption Toolbox, co-designed with stakeholders using a value-based approach, design thinking methods, and citizen science mechanisms. The project’s research is carried out with a gender and diversity-sensitive approach, ensuring inclusivity and equity. The Toolbox proactively addresses possible tensions, points of controversy, and dilemmas related to the adaptation to resilience. By doing so, the Toolbox aims to enable empowerment and engagement strategies that promote a society “resilient by design”.

For social media please see Twitter and LinkedIn.

COESO project fosters the growth of citizen science/participatory research in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) by engaging with and bridging the European social sciences and humanities community, the citizen science community, and the open scholarly communication community. COESO envisions to overcome the obstacles that hinder the development of citizen science in the social sciences and humanities. The COESO project responds to the SSH citizen science needs through the development of  a dedicated online project management platform VERA.

For social media please see Twitter.

TRIPLE project was financed under the Horizon 2020 framework for a duration of 42 months (2019–2023). The project developed the multilingual discovery service GoTriple, which is one of the dedicated services of OPERAS, the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities in the European Research Area.

For social media please see Twitter and LinkedIn.

YouCount (“Youth Citizen Science”) project brings together young people and relevant stakeholders to co-create new knowledge and innovations that can contribute to addressing one of the complex societal challenges being faced by Europe: How to increase social inclusion for young people. YouCount focuses on social inclusion, which is understood as equal opportunities for youth participation in society, and will elucidate social participation, connectedness, and social belonging.

For social media please see Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.