is inviting representatives from ministries across Europe and at the regional and local levels to engage in a discussion about citizen science and its benefits for policy making. The main aim of this event is to develop collaborations among policy makers with citizen science interests. This event will be held as a satellite event of the European Research and Innovation Days on 22 June 2021.
The event will last 1.5 hour. It is made up of four blocks, each dedicated to a citizen science topic. Each block begins with a presentation given by an invited speaker, followed by an open discussion for sharing different experiences from representatives of Ministries of European Member States and the participants in the event.
- 11:00 – 11:05 Welcoming and introduction to the event by the EU-Citizen.Science Project coordinator and FECYT/Ibercivis (5’)
- 11:05 – 11:25 Block 1: Current state of citizen science across Europe introduced by Sven Schade, Scientific Policy Officer, Joint Research Center, European Commission (5’), followed by a discussion (15’)
- 11:25 – 11:45 Block 2: Promoting citizen science through the launch of national plans for funding citizen science projects introduced by Carmen Castresana, General Director of Research Planning, Spanish Ministry of Science and innovation (5’), followed by a discussion (15’)
- 11:45 – 12:05 Block 3: Overcoming the barriers to citizen science introduced by José Paulo Esperança, Vice-President of the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology and Higher Education (5’), followed by a discussion (15’)
- 12:05 – 12:25 Block 4: Science for the people, by the people – policy instruments to anchor citizen science in research and society introduced by Anne Overbeck, Policy Officer for Citizen Science, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (5’), followed by a discussion (15’)
- 12:25 – 12.30 Concluding remarks (5’)
Read more and register here!