INCENTIVE project is inviting you to our next live webinar of the series “Institutional changes for Citizen Science”, called “Citizen Science Hubs explained: needs, resources, best practices”.
The webinar will be held on the 29th of August, from 11.00 to 12.30 CEST.
About the webinar
The objective of the webinar is to have a discussion on the need for one or more Citizen Science Institutional Contact Points (CS-ICPs) inside Research Performing Organisations (RPOs). Firstly, participants will be provided with a detailed description of what CS-ICP is, how it should be structured, what resources are needed, and who should take care of – and work for – it. Then, they will be given examples of different RPOs organisational structures and governances, which do include a CS Hubs.
In this context, and building on the mentioned examples, the two projects will provide recommendations on where CS Hubs would fit best within an organisation’s organigram, best practices, and operating models for established contact points to carry out their role the best way and represent an added value for the organisation as a whole.
This event is aimed at Research-performing organisation staff, i.e. researchers, admin staff, support function staff and management; research managers.
You can register for the event here.