EU-Citizen.Science is coming to an end
The EU-Citizen.Science project is coming to an end. After 36 months, the project managed to successfully build a knowledge hub for citizen science in Europe. Yet, the project has done way more than that. To name just a few achievements, EU-Citizen.Science has established collaboration with the most relevant citizen science actors in Europe that led to the development of international events; it has produced more than 20 citizen science training modules; and it keeps expanding the community built around the EU-Citizen.Science platform.
During 23-24 of November, EU-Citizen.Science held virtually its Final Conference “The future of Citizen Science“, in collaboration with the ACTION project. INCENTIVE was there to present our results from the co-creation workshop at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, through a dedicated virtual booth.
You can access our presentation about INCENTIVE here.
Now that EU-Citizen.Science is closing its cycle, the project has prepared a final video featuring its rich network of H2020 Citizen Science projects. INCENTIVE is proud to be part of the video and have contributed to the final phase of EU-Citizen.Science.
You can see the video here.