About the Handbook
Sister project YouCount has recently published the “Handbook of Youth Citizen Social Science”. The Handbook, and its toolkit, build on the experiences from the project (2021-2023) and represent a unique contribution to the field of citizen social science. It is, overall, an exercise on social science communication that can be useful to a wide array of publics: practitioners, academics, policymakers, youth organisations and anyone interested in citizen social science as a way of creating a future shaped by more inclusive, participatory research and social innovation.
You can access the Handbook here.
Even though there are already many handbooks and guidelines for conducting citizen science, these reamin mostly within natural sciences. Moreover, there are few handbooks detailing hands-on citizen social science with young people, and focusing on co-creative qualitative or mixed-methods approaches. The YouCount’s Handbook makes a step further and offers a Handbook dedicated to the injection of Citizen Science methods in SSH-related fields, thus advancing the application of Citizen Science.
About YouCount project
YouCount was a project that brought together young people and relevant stakeholders to co-create new knowledge and innovations that contribute to addressing one of the complex societal challenges being faced by Europe: How to increase social inclusion for young people. As young people know more about their lives, hopes, and dreams than anyone else, the project’s approach was to involve them as young co-researchers in all the stages of the research project, including designing the website and all scientific communication activities.
You can get in touch with the project here.