The 1st newsletter of the INCENTIVE project will be issued soon!
Since the project has already completed its first semester – the KoM took virtually place on February 2021 – and as the summer vacations break is over, our team is preparing for a fresh and dynamic start in autumn. A lot of activities are foreseen for the second semester of the project, which will be roughly concluded during the upcoming Christmas break. But before that, let’s have a brief recap of what happened during the first semester:
- The KoM occurred on February 2021
- Under WP1, a series of intense mapping activities (desk research, interviews, surveys) were accomplished, and three research deliverables have been produced for each respective Task – two of them are available in our resources section
- The promotional package of the project was designed and published
- The Social Media Accounts and website of the project were created
- The 1st co-creation workshop with representatives of local stakeholder groups from the 4 EU Universities was successfully held in an online format
- The first synergizing activities were initiated
- The Advisory Board was officially established
- Preparatory work was undertaken for WP2, WP4, and WP5
- The 2nd consortium meeting was held virtually on July 2021
The 1st newsletter will offer a comprehensive overview of all the key events and outcomes of the 1st semester of the project. Moreover, the newsletter will provide information and teasers about the project’s upcoming activities, as well as about key external events, that are of interest to not only the community of INCENTIVE but the European audience at large.
To receive our newsletter, make sure to subscribe through that link.
Nore: INCENTIVE issues its newsletter on a semestrial basis. Even though the 1st newsletter was scheduled for July 2021, it was collectively decided during the 2nd consortium meeting to be postponed for September so as to not coincide with the summer vacations period.