About the event
The first global Citizen Science for Health Conference (CS4H) will take place on October 29th – November 1st 2023 at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands. The aim of the conference is to provide a state of art of the CS4H domain and establish a bridge between long-standing traditions on patient participation in health research to more recent and intensive modes of citizen science in health. The conference focuses on different kinds of multidisciplinary scientific collaborations between citizens, patients, medical staff, healthcare providers, researchers, students, policymakers, funding agencies, companies, etc. This includes approaches such as citizen science, personal science, patient involvement, inclusive research, and community-based health research. The language of the conference is English.
Submissions for conference abstracts are now open. You are welcome to submit multiple abstracts, up to a maximum of four.
Download the call for abstracts pdf.
Submit your abstract here.
Interactive formats
The conference will have an interactive character. This means that – aside from keynote lectures – there will be parallel sessions, with formats including Workshops, Solution rooms, Posters, and Showcases.
For all formats, the conference organisers can provide materials such as paper, pens, markers, post-its/sticky notes, etc. Depending on availability, the conference may be able to offer Lego sets or digital screens. Please indicate your desired materials while submitting an abstract.
Are you interested in sharing good practices with other communities? Do you want to organise a workshop to spread the word or let people experience your methodology? A workshop lasts 90 minutes and can have up to four presenters. The maximum number of participants is twenty. Please keep in mind that the conference targets a broad audience.
The abstract is limited to 500 words and should include the title, presenters, theme or question that will be addressed, the intended methods and content of the workshop, and the potential benefits for participants.
Solution rooms
Due to the novelty of citizen science approaches in healthcare, you might run into challenges. The same ones that are, perhaps, also encountered by others. Do you want to explore these challenges with others? Do you need input and feedback on a specific topic? Or do you want to hear how others dealt with a challenge? Solution rooms can be utilised to use the expertise and experience of participants towards tackling the challenge or exploring a topic. Solution rooms last 20 minutes and can have up to two organizers. A maximum of 10 participants can participate. The sessions can be designed according to the needs of the organisers and, if necessary, organisers can bring tools or materials to support the session.
The abstract is limited to 250 words and should include the theme or question that will be addressed, the intended methods and content of the solution rooms, and the aim of the session.
Poster sessions
Share the results of your projects, present the approach that you took in your work, and address an issue related to citizen science for health. Inform others of the latest insights and recent outcomes. Posters can be either in portrait or landscape format and are supported up to A0 format. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference. Presenters will be asked to be available during specific moments. The abstract is limited to 250 words and should include the title of the poster, and the content of the poster.
Do you have a tool/device/product/platform/service etc. to support others in their research? Are you interested in showcasing it? During a showcase, you can demonstrate or present your intervention to the conference audience. The abstract is limited to 150 words and should include the (description of the) showcase, the potential benefit for the conference audience, and the requirements for the set-up of the showcase (i.e., space, power outlets, etc.).
The Conference welcomes abstracts on all themes related to citizen science for health, either on the (scientific) outcomes of projects or on the process and requirements of citizen science for health. Possible themes include (but are not limited to):
- (Scientific) outcomes of citizen science projects in the health domain;
- Research methods and toolkits (apps, e-health devices) to conduct CS research in the health domain;
- Impact creation (societal impact, policy impact, impact on the patients, etc.);
- Communication and dissemination of citizen science results (both during the research process and afterward);
- Ethical and legal issues in citizen science for health (for all stakeholders, i.e. citizens, patients, health care providers, researchers, policymakers, funding agencies, companies, etc.);
- Equal collaboration in citizen science for health (challenges, benefits for all, inclusivity, etc.);
- Data (open/FAIR data, infrastructure, and ownership);
- Organising and facilitating citizen science for health (connecting with libraries, universities, schools, hospitals, digital platforms, etc.).
Eligibility criteria:
All abstracts will be screened for eligibility with an emphasis on the collaboration between citizens and researchers, a clear and relevant proposal for the session, innovative aspects, and relevance and impact.
Important dates:
Abstract submission open: April 21, 2023
Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday May 31, 2023 23:59 CEST
Acceptance notification: Friday July 14, 2023
Registration open: Friday July 14, 2023
Registration deadline: Oct 28, 2023 23:59 CEST